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November News

November News

We have recently attended events across North and South Carolina, including both synods’ fall convocations at Lutheridge and the first SC Ministry Toolbox event.  Along with general information about Lutheran Disaster Response and LDR Carolinas, we were able to share information about these upcoming events:

Participate in a service trip to New Bern, NC early next year to work on the continuing recovery work in Craven County following Hurricane Florence.  This work is funded by a grant from LDR to Lutheran Services Carolinas and coordinated by the Craven County Disaster Recovery Alliance (CCDRA). Housing is available at the Volunteer Village created by Neuse Forest Presbyterian Church.  Adults of all ages with a variety of skill sets are welcomed!

Join us for a discussion of the book A Ready Hope on Zoom Tuesday evenings beginning January 2. This book is a case study of a congregation in a community affected by a major disaster.  The pastor and lay leaders implement and adapt their existing preparedness plan, partner with nearby congregations, plus volunteer and government agencies to serve their community.  

This is an opportunity to consider how prepared you are, how a disaster could affect your community, and how your congregation could provide care to others.  A free copy of the book will be available for each participating congregation. Click here to register.

Plan to attend our next network meeting on Zoom November 30 at 7:00 p.m. to learn more about these events! Contact [email protected] for the link or click here to register.

Be Prepared to Care

Be Prepared to Care

Be Prepared to Care While we may talk with more people at large events like synod assemblies or the upcoming fall leadership convocations, the most important conversations we have are probably the ones with small groups.

Those can be conference gatherings of rostered ministers where we can take time to explain what LDR Carolinas is and what we do. Even better are opportunities to talk with church members in congregational council meetings or adult Sunday school classes about the importance of preparedness.

A short article in the 2008 edition of the ELCA’s Stories of Faith in Action explains the importance of these conversations:

“When [an EF 4] tornado struck Enterprise, [Alabama] in March 2007, the members of Christ the King Lutheran Church were equipped to respond, bringing help and hope to the community.

Only 18 days before, two seminary students had come to this small city to give a presentation at Christ the King on behalf of Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR). Prior to the presentation, many members of the congregation had never heard of LDR…

The members of Christ the King started putting together their congregational plan, and several members agreed to serve on a disaster preparedness committee. Just over two weeks later, a devastating storm tore through the city, destroying two schools, leveling portions of downtown and residential areas, and killing eight high school students.

When Lutheran Disaster Response personnel arrive the next morning to begin assessing the situation, members of Christ the King were their first contacts. The church was soon named as the volunteer reception center for anyone coming to help, and within a month, nearly 4,000 volunteers participated in work projects around Enterprise.”

In case you did not guess, we were the two seminary interns who visited Enterprise to talk about preparedness. We also had the opportunity to return after the disaster to work with the members of the congregation as they served their community.

This article was originally published to explain the importance of donations to support LDR. We are sharing it now to explain the potential impact of meeting with us to discuss preparedness.

Contact us to schedule a weekday meeting with congregational leaders or a Sunday event including worship. We would be glad to preach and connect the Good News with preparedness and ministry to serve your community when a disaster occurs.

Read the original article from Stories of Faith in Action here.

[Photo from ELCA article, “Prepared to Care”]

Hurricane Idalia is headed our way!

Hurricane Idalia is headed our way!

Merciful God,
when the storms rage and threaten to overtake us,
awaken our faith to know the power of your peace.
Deliver us from our fear and ease our anxiety.
Help us to endure the time of uncertainty
and give us strength to face the challenges ahead.
Give us the assurance of your presence even in this time
so that we can cling to your promise of hope and life shown to us
through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

(Evangelical Lutheran Worship: Occasional Services for the Assembly, page 394)

We have been on the job and advocating disaster preparedness for six months and twelve days, but who’s counting?!?  Hurricane Idalia is now headed toward the Gulf coast of Florida, with southern Georgia and both South and North Carolina in its path. 

While the exact path of the hurricane is impossible to predict, we should be prepared for heavy rain and high winds across large portions of both Carolinas.

As we pray for everyone in the path of this storm, which is expected to be a powerful Category 3 hurricane when it makes landfall, we continue to advocate for preparedness.  The need is urgent. 

Here are some things to consider NOW:

If you live near the coast, know your evacuation zone, and make plans now to evacuate or shelter in place as guided by emergency management.  Find your zone here for North Carolina or South Carolina.  Notify your family or friends of your plans.

Even if you don’t live near the coast, be following weather information from a reliable source, like the National Hurricane Center or your local National Weather Service office to know what to expect in your area.

Be sure you have a way (or ways) to receive weather updates even if the power is out.

Locate your flashlights or another light source in case of a power outage.  Check your supply of batteries or lamp oil and stock up if you need more.

Secure outdoor furniture and other items to prevent them from being damaged or becoming airborne in high winds and causing other damage.

Take time now to check out your generator and purchase fuel if you need more.

Charge your laptop computer, cell phones, and other devices and keep them charged.

Be sure that you have the necessary supplies to be at home for 3 to 5 days without power.  Consider how much water, food, medications, paper goods, and pet food you may need.  Remember that you will need food that you can eat without heating if the power is out.

Have cash on hand in small bills for emergency purchases.

This is not an all-inclusive list of disaster preparedness tips! For more information on preparedness, visit the LDR Carolinas resource page and follow LDR Carolinas on Facebook for more frequent updates as Idalia comes our way.

For ELCA pastors in North or South Carolina, if you, your home, your church building, church members, or their homes of congregation members are impacted by this (or any other disaster), please contact your bishop and the LDR Carolinas coordinators.

Prayers for your safety as Idalia visits your neighborhood!