Our Blog

LDR Carolinas Offers Preparedness Mini-Grants
Many of us love to sing these familiar words
“Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms;
Leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms…” (lyrics by Elisha Albright Hoffman).
But we may not feel quite so safe and secure from all alarms when a crisis or disaster happens.
LDR Carolinas wants to help you be prepared. We are again offering Congregational Preparedness Mini-Grants (typically $500 to $750) to assist congregations in both the NC and SC Synods. These should be used toward congregational preparedness projects, including security equipment, generators, AEDs, and first aid kits or training. Applications are due by Friday, February 28.

Postponed – Invitation to the Resilient Bridge Building Workshop
The Resilient Bridge Building Workshop, originally scheduled for January 6, 2025 has been postponed.
Due to an issue beyond our control, we have postponed the workshop and will announce a new date as soon as possible.
Questions should be directed to:
Phil Helmuth, [email protected], 540-746-2068.

Bridging Together Update
This first bridge will be an opportunity to show partner organizations how to build using this resilient bridge design, as we begin gearing up to have multiple teams planning and building bridges at the same time. Some of the participants will be from partner organizations through VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster). Others come from the commercial world with equipment and knowledge of bridge design and construction. Volunteers are essential for this project, and we hope new ones will be trained during this event.
We know that many volunteers and others who have been responding to Helene will be taking some well-earned time off during this holiday season. We wish everyone a joyous season and a time of rest.
We encourage anyone who wants to make end-of-year donations to consider supporting the Bridging Together project. Online giving is available at https://buy.stripe.com/8wM4ikaAbdP9fy88ww