Winter Holiday Safety Tips

Winter is upon us, as anyone can tell who has poked their nose outside this morning (our low temp was 25 degrees). There is also snow in the mountains for the second time, and while the east coast has had plenty of weather that other times of the year might seem tropical, the temperatures that followed were anything but tropical.

Winter weather preparedness in the Carolinas takes on many forms – from cold weather and snow to ice storms and even nor’easters that bring all of the above along with a tornado or two. How do you prepare? Well, take what you started for hurricane season and adapt. Add some cold weather options. Close up your house with plastic instead of plywood. Add a little TLC for your cars to make sure they start and take time to find your ice scraper! offers these tips for winter weather safety.

Winter also brings holidays in which we all add lights both inside and outside our homes. These also come with safety concerns. Too many lights in one socket can trip breakers or blow fuses, and extension cords became hazards – both for tripping and, if they are not in good condition, a fire hazard. State Farm offers these holiday safety tips, and the Electrical Safety Foundation offers these tips.

No matter what the weather, or the holidays, preparedness for the unexpected should always be high on our priority list – whether it is a blanket in the car in case we get stranded, or buying everyone an ice scraper for their stocking, or sharing our travel plans with friends and family. We hope you have a wonderful and safe holiday season.

LDR Carolinas

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